We plan on organizing several events throughout the year, ranging from conferences and invited talks to workshops and industry tours. Below are some examples of the type of events we plan on organizing in the future.
Although events are mainly aimed for graduate students and faculty members working in the field of electrochemistry, undergraduate students interested in the field are also welcome.
Present your research to fellow electrochemical researchers and get a chance to network and collaborate with them.
Learn more about techniques used in electrochemistry and how they can be relevant to your research.
Invited talks
Get some insight about what other groups around the world are working on and the latest progress in your field.
Panel discussion
Meet with faculty members and researchers from different universities to discuss the direction of the field in the future.
Academic Events
Site Tours
Visit company sites for a chance to network with industry professionals while getting their perspective of electrochemistry in industry.
Learn more about electrochemistry techniques used in industry and how you can apply it to your research work.
Career Fairs
Meet recruiters and representatives from different companies around the world for a chance to learn more about jobs in your field.
Industry-Relevant Events
Social Events

Trivia - E.Chem Edition
Join a fun game of electrochemistry trivia with your fellow electrochemistry researchers over snacks and bites.

General Body Meetings
Meet with the executive committee to voice your concerns and suggestions.
Check out our gallery and past events to get a glimpse of our events. If you would like to join us at our next event, visit our upcoming events page to check the details and RSVP.
Do you have a suggestion or request for a specific event? Contact us or check out our homepage for any polls posted!
We are looking forward to meeting you at our next event!